Congratulations to all the artists who submitted their work to the 2018 Regional Juried Art Exhibit. Over 90 pieces were exhibited and the judges @Paul Crawford and @Lee Claremont had a big job selecting pieces for recognition. Below are the results:

Distinguished Award ($1,000)
Earth and Pine #227 / Earth and Cedar 1 – Lynette Gullackson and Linda Doherty Gullackson, Fort Nelson, BC

Recognition Award ($500)
nikosis kisâkihitin – Kristy Auger, Fort St. John, BC

Most Experimental ($200)
Promise of Spring – Sandy Troudt, Fort St. John, BC

Chosen Awards (the following 9 awards plus the three above will be included in the PLRAC’s 2019 Calendar

  1. Sess – Kim Ans, Fort St. John, BC
  2. In her Footsteps / Auntie’s House – Crystal Behn-Dettieh, Fort Nelson, BC
  3. Cirsium arvense: Thistles: Justine Bouchard, Dawson Creek, BC
  4. Beaded Cape – Sarah Dickie, Fort St. John, BC
  5. Imprint of 1/5,240 – Kit Fast, Dawson Creek, BC
  6. Curiosity – Monicque Jacobs, Fort Nelson, BC
  7. quest(ion) – Mary Mottishaw, Dawson Creek, BC
  8. Crow Sky – Peter Shaw, Fort St. John, BC
  9. Three Feathers – Dora Van Rensburg, Fort St. John, BC

Honorable Mentions

  1. Pulse of the North – Ryan Dickie, Fort Nelson, BC
  2. Grouse Mask – Curtis Henry Dickie, Fort Nelson, BC
  3. Pitcher – Marilyn Farrow, Chetwynd, BC
  4. Symphony in Sepia – Ken Forest, Charlie Lake, BC
  5. Study of a Woman – Amy Gothard, Fort St. John, BC
  6. Fire Storm – Dawn Gullackson, Fort Nelson, BC
  7. Between Heaven and Earth – Irene Gut, Cecil Lake, BC
  8. As a Moth to a Flame – Emilie Mattson, Rolla, BC
  9. Florals in Copper – Isam Sharkiye, Fort Nelson, BC
  10. Tree Tops – Judy Templeton, Fort St. John, BC
  11. An Unlikely Explosion – Rebekah and Joan Zimmer, Tumbler Ridge, BC