Exhibitor #21b (Sarah Truscott)

Title: Men at Work

Medium: Decorated Sugar Cookie

Dimensions: 9″ x 9″

For Sale: NFS

Artist Statement: With your first look, do you see walls being built, or being torn down? This cookie piece is based off a pen and ink drawing I did six years ago. At the time, I was at the lowest point in my life. Brick after brick, I became more and more isolated. I was terrified of someone seeing the gory, messy truth of my heart. So, I built myself an impenetrable fortress, but that fortress came at a cost. It was dark. Cold. Lonely. Numb. There reached a point where existing in a fortress became more unbearable than the uncertainty of vulnerability. Yes, there is always a risk. The risk of rejection, or the potential for deeper connection. Love given to a wall falls flat, but given to an open heart is fuel for the soul. Recreating this on the other side of healing, I see the walls being torn down. Bricks are heavy, and tearing them down takes tremendous effort. But it’s worth it. I promise.

*All materials used are edible*